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Monday, February 7, 2011

Daily (Parenting) Fail

The Ideal Me (IM) spends rainy days doing crafts projects with her children. They cut shapes out of foam and play Play-Doh. They later cuddle under blankets to watch a classic Walt Disney movie with hot chocolate. (Or, in my super-ideal world, they don't even have a TV.) This Sunday, the rain had been incessant, but did nothing to dampen the unremitting energy of my sweet mamamamama

The blur on the right hand side is Sprout.

He is, in this picture, playing in the indoor playscape at Chik-Fil-A.

Let me tell you a few things about this picture:

1)  He has on no shoes or socks. (His choice.)
2)  He has on blue sweatpants 2 sizes too big, and a Michigan State basketball jersey, sleeveless. He has on NO underwear.
3) He has figured out how to surf the entirety of the slide to the left on his feet, jump, land, and keep running without pause.
4) At least twice there was serious crying emanating from the glass-encased-habitat. I am reasonably sure that my son was either the cause or the source. That place is like Lord of the Flies.

Heeeere Piggy.


  1. Hahahah! Oh, how I miss being a nanny....

  2. Indoor playscapes are MacGyver's go-to distractions for Punky.

    Lord of the Flies is THE best description I have ever heard of those places.

    Also, do you remember the TV commercial from a couple years ago that showed a telephone covered in germs right before a kid picks it up? I think it was a Lysol commercial. I also picture those places covered in germs like that. My parenting fail: I won't even hug Punky after she's played in one. And she can't touch the baby until I've watched her wash her hands. Fifty-six times.
